A network of professionals in the machine building industry

    Connect with other executives and service professionals in the machine building industry. Expand your network and learn from each other.

    Willem Hofmans 2022

    Share challenges and learnings with like-minded people

    Despite all the old and new ways of staying connected, we talk to a lot of machine builders that are still facing their challenges alone. Therefore we want to bring everyone together through CONNECT.

    CONNECT is a safe environment for machine builders to share challenges and learnings among peers.  The goal is to learn from each other and to give you a head full of ideas to continue on your journey.

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    Get a push in the right direction – become a service provider

    The machine builder of the future is a service provider. However, with this journey comes many challenges. Connect with industry peers at our events or in our Linkedin community and brainstorm on how to increase value with after-sales services, develop and monetize digital services, and address other challenges you face.

    Listen to our podcast to learn more about your customers, and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest learnings from the industry in your inbox.

    We've got exciting things in store for you

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