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Introducing IXON Cloud 2 | Next generation IIoT Platform

Written by Shelly Boom | 01-2-2021

On the 2nd of February 2021, IXON launched the next generation IIoT platform, IXON Cloud 2. The completely redesigned IXON Cloud is refined in many ways to accommodate better collaboration, future growth and faster development. The new platform allows users more freedom to customise and set up their IoT platform to best fit their specific needs, without losing our trademark user-friendliness.

New intuitive user interface

IXON Cloud 2 is a secure cloud environment with all the technology needed to make IIoT directly accessible for every machine builder around the world. It enables machine builders to focus on their daily tasks and eliminate distractions due to its clean and intuitive interface.

Besides that, IXON chose for this new layout to make the platform future proof, with as few limitations as possible. 

Division into 4 apps

With the launch of IXON Cloud 2, the platform has been split up in four different apps: the Admin, Fleet Manager, Portal and IXON Studio app. The main reason for the introduction of the four apps is to tailor the platform to the specific needs of every user, whether he is a machine builder, a service engineer or a customer. This way, all kinds of users can fully focus on their own tasks and will no longer be distracted by unnecessary information or missing features. Let’s have a closer look at the four apps, their purpose and functionalities. 

Admin app

The IXON Admin app can be used for the initial administrative actions. Here you can personalise the platform according to your corporate identity and assign users to roles and groups.

App functionalities:

  • Set your company identity
    Fill in your company information, choose your company colors and upload your logo;
  • Manage licenses and view audit trail
    Have an overview of your active licenses, such as Cloud Logging and Cloud Notify and see all actions taken in your company account;
  • Manage roles and groups for advanced user management
    Thanks to role-based access control, it’s possible to set roles and groups in the Admin app. Make a distinction between colleagues, customers and service engineers and assign the rights that fit their role to make sure everyone can focus on their own tasks and prevent security issues and unwanted changes in machine settings. 

Watch our video about the Admin app.

Fleet Manager app

The Fleet Manager app is the place for all device management and configuration. Here you can manage your IXrouters and IXagents.

App functionalities:

  • Add and configure devices
    A new device will appear in the IXON Cloud. Once added you can manage the device info, firewall and network settings;
  • Assign devices to groups
    Assign devices to a group and add pages using access categories, so users with certain permissions can access those pages;
  • Add services to devices
    Besides VPN connection you can add additional services like VNC, HTTP and Websockets. 
  • Data sources for alarms and data logging
    When you have a Cloud Logging license, you can set up a data source, variables and tags for data logging. Do you have a Cloud Notify license? Then you can configure alarms. This ensures you receive a notification when, for example, the platform loses connection with your machine.

Watch our video about the Fleet Manager app to learn more about device management and configuration in IXON Cloud 2.

IXON Studio app

To allow for comprehensive customisation, IXON Cloud 2 introduced IXON Studio. In this app you’ll find countless possibilities for customising your IoT Portal to best fit your specific needs. 

App functionalities:

  • Customise machine cards
    Add components that are relevant for the device to the machine card;
  • Create dashboards
    Create and customise dashboards for each device;
  • Add widgets
    Choose one of many standard widgets or create your own with VueJS.

Watch our video about the IXON Studio app or read this blog.

Portal app

In the IXON Portal app everything comes together. Here you will find an overview of everything you have set up in the Admin, Fleet Manager and IXON Studio app. This is also the place where customers and service engineers enter the IXON Cloud and the only app shown in the mobile app. 

App functionalities:

  • Overview of your devices
    View your devices that have been customised in IXON Studio and added in the Fleet Manager app in card, list or map view;
  • Connect to your machine
    Set up a connection via VPN or use a VNC, HTTP or WebSocket service and manage, control and monitor your machines remotely;
  • Access data reports and receive notifications
    When you use Cloud Logging you’ll have insight in your data reports in the Portal. With Cloud Notify you can receive notifications via the mobile app or email about important machine events;
  • Send invitations
    Invite users to the IXON Cloud and collaborate all together in one portal.

Watch our video about the Portal app.